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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
simple is life! ; 8:40 PM

简 单 就 是 辛 福

I have a friend, she live a simple life, her family is not rich. Like all human, she has her own trouble too. For the first time I saw her, which was at school meeting room for a interview, for the first glance I was quite a shock because she is the only girl who is quite special. “She must be some rich girl” I thought, but after I knew her through sms and I know she’s not. I asked her this question “Are you leading a happy life?” “Yes I do! I feel that I’m the most fortunate girl in the world” She said.

I never expect her to give me this reply because I thought she will complain about her life for being having trouble in life, as still she look for as radiant and nice! She says that she has always loved her family and didn’t ask for anything more, but to be happy. I was touch by her answer. For there are so many rich and fortunate people in this world but still they ask for more, and never seem to be enough. This is the question I desperately want to ask them “You have everything that the poor didn’t have what more are you asking for?”

This question keeps appearing in my mind and I think I got the answer myself. Yes! They are filthy rich but they didn’t feel enough, it because they didn’t have happiness in their life. They want to feel this happiness, but they didn’t know they are lacking in this, so they keep seeking, they still thought money, and luxurious items can satisfy them but no actually. One can be a millionaire but he is poor and never feel satisfy in life, one can be poor but leading a happy life, so does he is rich and always satisfy. A sport car may cost a million but it can never compare with a word call happiness which doesn’t cost a single cent.

I had made up a Chinese story myself and I would like to delicate for this person, SIM BL, and everyone who read my blog. NOTE: I’m the original author myself !

富 翁 与 乞 丐 的 故 事

就 有 这 一 位 富 翁,每 日 劳 动 奔 波 的 为 事 业 打 拚 而 占 有 一 席 之 位。他 的 高 楼 大 厦 有 百 楼 之 高,一 望 下 去 可 说 是 眼 看 天 下,无 处 不 有。便 有 一 日 他 驾 着 他 的 名 贵 宝 车 要 去 谈 生 意, 驾 着 驾 着 就 看 到 有 一 位 乞 丐 做 在 马 路 的 路 旁 上 要 饭。 富 翁 就 停 下 宝 车,站 了 出 来 然 后 大 摇 大 摆 的 向 着 乞 丐 走 了 过 去 然 后 说 道 “你 为 何 坐 在 这?”

乞 丐 说“我 在 这 要 饭,先 生 给 点 钱 吧”

“为 何 在 这 要 饭?我 还 是 第 一 次 看 过 乞 丐 呢”

乞 丐 说 “你 是 第 一 次 看 过 我,我 可 不 是 第 一 次 看 过 你 呢”

富 翁 说“什么?那 我 为 何 没 看 见 你?”

乞 丐 说“因 为 你 走 得 快!你 为 何 走 得 如 此 快 呢?”

富 翁 说“当 然 为 了 做 工 啦,不 然 跟 你 一 样 要 饭 吗?”

乞 丐 笑 了 笑 说“工 做 也 不 就 是 讨 个 生 活 吗?讨 个 生 活 也 不 就 是 为 了 吃 饭 吗?简 单 来 说 不 就 也 是 讨 饭 吗?哈哈哈!”

富 翁 生 气 的 说 “我 才 不 是 要 饭 的 呢!我 可 是 高 人 一 等 的 奇 才,我 有 无 尽 的 物 质 享 受 而 你 什 么 都 没 有,凭 什 么 说 我?”

乞 丐 说“你 的 高 楼 大 厦 有 几 楼?”

富 翁 说 “一 共 一 百 二 十 五 楼!”

乞 丐 说 “那 你 看 下 去 的 时 后 看 到 什 么?”

富 翁 说“那 可 妙 了,看 下 去 的 时 后 可 说 是 一 边 无 尽 啊!难 以 形 容。”

乞 丐 说“是 否 可 说 详 细 一 些?”

富 翁 说“那 我 可 说 不 出 了,密 密 麻 麻 的 ,可 没 详 细 的”

乞 丐 说“宝 车 又 可 跑 多 快?”

富 翁 说“这 宝 车 可 神 了,可 跑 一 百 五 十 公 里 快 啊!”

乞 丐 说“如 此 的 快,是 否 安 全 呢?四 周 是 否 看 的 清 呢?”

富 翁 说“车 跑 的 快 当 然 不 安 全,四 周 当 然 看 不 清 啦”

乞 丐 说“富 翁 钱 多 是 否 花 的 完 呢?”

富 翁 说“生 为 生 意 人,没 时 间,所 以 没 家 庭,钱 当 然 多 的 时,大 多 花 在 生 意 上”

乞 丐 说“那 富 翁 啊,富 翁 啊!你 站 在 高 处 看 不 清,跑 太 快 又 不 安 全,钱 太 多 又 花 不 完,高 人 一 等 可 享 受 不 到 亲 情,那 请 问 你 都 在 忙 一 些 什 么 啊?”

乞 丐 又 说“我 虽 做 在 路 口 的 地 上,但 眼 前 之 事 我 可 看 的 了 了 分 明,喜悦,忧 愁,愤 怒,哀 伤 一 目 了 然。我 讨 的 钱 只 花 在 吃 饭 上,但 生 命 之 道 理 可 把 我 的 心 灵 化 成 一 条 活 龙。生 活 就 是 淡,因 淡 中 之 真 味,这 才 可 常 久 啊。。。”

富 翁 听 了,双 脚 便 跪 在 地 上 直 哭。而 乞 丐 便 哈 哈 大 笑,走 开 了。。。。

Tips for the day= One can be a millionaire but he is poor and never feel satisfy in life, one can be poor but leading a happy life, so does he is rich and always satisfy. A sport car may cost a million but it can never compare with a word call happiness which doesn’t cost a single cent.

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Reavealing of yeecheng life (part1) ; 4:07 PM

A vegetarian baby is on earth with the sound "wuwawuwawuwa"

Me! few month old i think, i not sure too. Am i cute? wahaha

Loving daddy, mummy and my prayer hall..official opening ceremony!

The combination of my mummy and daddy. I still like my mum, so pretty, her look make me feel so dreamy. Love both of them!

A young teenagers, the most hot and modern way of look in the 1980s. He's my daddy, handsome isn't?

My mum when she was young, look like model la, such a beauty!

Revealing of Yeecheng life ( part 1 )

Here I am to share my 17 years of life to everyone who read my blog. Some may start to self mumbling thinking if I’m crazy, I’m only 17 and what great story I can share? My answer to everyone doubts of my action is that one don’t have to live till old to share their story of life. It the process of learning of life that make your life fulfilling, full of lesson to be learn and not by judging how long you have live in this miserable world. So what if you have live till old but you learn nothing about life?

My life isn’t a movie, not as thrilling, not as exciting but my life is full of lesson to be learned as I had gone through the lowest point of life. What make me realize that my life is a lesson? What make me to learn and live a holy life now? It my religion, in fact the God Buddha I’m praying to is not call religion, but a “Believe” instead. A believe that this is the only way back to heaven after we died, it gave me so many turning point throughout my 17 years of life and I’m prepare to share to everyone who is interested.

I will start from 19 years ago before I was born. In 1988, my parent had just married and they wanted to have a baby so much but their “rock and roll” in bed just couldn’t work and so there is “no product” after working so hard, oh my poor daddy. A year later, 1989, there is a senior in our religion advice my parent “only when you both open a prayer hall at home and God Buddha will naturally send you a child, no worry”. So my parent builds up their strong faith for laomu(老母) and open up a prayer hall in june-aug 1989. True enough, my mum got pregnant as soon as the prayer hall had officially opened up at home, so I was born in 25/1/1990. Both my parent are vegetarian so am I, so there were many of people who is non-vegetarian scolded my mum for being a vegetarian even she’s pregnant, saying that the baby will not be healthy. In opposite, I’m real cute and healthy la! And on the second day I was born, daddy brought me home for religion ceremony (it a enlightenment of life ceremony, it the same meaning when those Christian go for Baptist), the doctor said that my mum and me were real healthy and there is no need to stay in hospital any longer. During the ceremony, name is needed so to tell laomu(老母)this person will be enlighten but I’m only a second day old baby, I had no name so the master had my name make on the spot, Cheong Yee Cheng (钟 易 成), this name mean that hoping for whatever I do will be smooth and easy to success. On the first anniversary of my prayer hall, I was only half year old and I’m still as cute and cubby! (action only but true lei) Because of me, there was really a lot of people came to my house for prayer hall anniversary but their real motive is to see me (it true, my mum told me de) and seeing me so healthy and face full of radiant, they was fully convince that vegetarian diet is indeed healthy, so there is many people gone for enlighten ceremony and save by God Buddha, laomu(老母).

Ever since young, my connection with God Buddha was strong. When I was 3 years old, I was so playful and I crash into some glass and nearly die if my hand weren’t supporting my body or I move a little bit because the four direction of my head will all sharp glasses, this incident happened at home where the prayer hall was situated. At 5 years old, a Sunday afternoon where my parent and younger brother were taking a nap, but I was sitting alone right in front of the prayer hall, I was purely staring at all the Buddha statue. Suddenly, I saw my God Buddha ( his photo in photo frame , 师 尊) was smiling at me so fatherly and I was totally shock and stunned even if he smile so warmly at me. I ran to the bedroom and told my parent. How funny. My mum was really hot temper in the past, she got work up easily and canned me and my brother like mad, so there is once my mum canned me and I shout at her “if I know I was born to be beaten by you, then I rather stay at heaven and not coming down to this world for suffering!” my mum shock and drop the cane immediately. These are the three story of my connection with God Buddha.

Tips of the day= the most important learning for kids is the pupil rule, Chinese Sutra (弟子规), a learning of moral value so that they will grow up with pure heart, a basic manners and human knowledge which will be useful until the day they die. Let this be their roots of discipline, never wait any longer.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Pureness ; 11:49 PM


I got a group of friends who have pure heart. I love them.

Recently, I got to make a group of friends and after really mixing with them and I found out that their heart is so pure, friendly with no motive for whatever they do. I seriously feel that it is almost impossible to have this kind of friends anymore. Seriously, rare.

It’s really a blessing for who ever make friends with them but please don’t hurt them ok? Don’t even think of making use of them, I will protect them if anyone where to bully them. When hanging out with them, I don’t have to hold a heart of defensive worry that they will harm me or bully me. It totally myself and I feel that I’m back to my childhood life time. Hey! You guys are simply wonderful. I love you all.

But they need to be protected and guided so to know who is really good to you guys or bad to you guys.

Tips for the day= Holding a pure heart will lead you shining bright for everywhere you go. Hold a pure heart means holding a high value for yourself, because a pure heart is just like a pure gold, gold of goodness.

I miss her ~~~~~~

5s1! Nursing
god`s child in heaven..
chilling out with friends; writing songs :D

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