Thursday, September 27, 2007
many many meee ; 1:21 AM

多 面 的 我
今 天 我 好 开 心!有 位 可 说 是 “失 散”的 同 学 由 于 通 过 网 上 日 记 又 再 向 遇,谈 了 一 下,发 现 她 有 些 华 人 的 传 统 思 想,非 常 的 好!再 来 就 是 她 对 我 的 观 点 有 所 改 变,让 我 更 开 心。因 为 还 是 同 学 时,我 们 可 说 是 不 常 碰 面,所 以 只 有 第 一 个 应 像。她 说 她 对 我 的 应 像 是 “好 玩,搞 笑,跟 一 般 人 一 样”,但 读 了 我 的 网 上 日 记 又 另 有 改 观 了,那 个 她 就 是 秀 敏 ,就 让 我 来 谈 谈 这 多 面 的 我 吧!
不 管 是 在 学 校,在 外 头 或 在 宗 教 里,我 的 行 为 大 有 不 同,有 如 天 和 地 一 样 的 差 别。在 外 头 的 我 都 是 好 玩,搞 笑,不 认 真 和 玩 得 很 风 的,所 以 大 部 分 的 人 都 视 我 为 好 玩 的 男 人,这 是 我 的 第 一 面。在 宗 教 里 的 我 则 是 何 谐,好 学,多 思 想 的 人,这 是 我 的 第 二 面。但 我 一 个 人 时,我 又 是 宁 静,思 维 的 奔 驰,与 天 合 一 的 人,这 是 我 的 第 三 面。到 地 那 一 个 是 真 的 我?找 不 到 一 个 一 定。
我 又 为 何 多 面?不 管 我 多 么 不 喜 欢 这 世 间 的 丑 陋,只 要 是 还 活 这 的 人 都 一 定 要 融 入 到 这 世 界 去。而 我 融 入 到 这 世 界 去 的 为 一 原 因 是 要 多 救 那 被 “迷 惑”的 众 生,这 是 我 的 责 任。跟 深 刻 的 来 说,世 界 是 一 间 训 练 场 所 能 让 我 们 尝 尽 人 生 之 四 味 “酸,甜,苦, 辣”但 然 甜 味 可 说 是 少 之 又 少。而 人 来 到 世 界 是 学 习 生 命 之 理,但 却 走 失 了 方 向 就 在 也 走 不 回 来 了。因 为 在 天 上 是 没 有 痛 苦 的,只 有 快 乐,逍 摇 和 自 在,所 以 在 世 间 才 能 体 会 生 命 的 一 切 而 了 解 生 命 的 真 谛 才 知 生 命 来 的 不 易,应 当 珍 惜!
人 因 迷 惑 是 因 为 失 去 了 传 统,失 去 了 文 化 而 现 有 的 世 间 色 彩 都 是 “人 工”的,而 失 去 源 有 的 自 然。就 好 像 吃 食 物 一 样,一 定 要 加 调 味 料,但 这 样 一 来 就 吃 不 到 自 然 源 有 的 味 道。而 21 代 的 世 界 就 好 比 快 熟 面,方 便 又 好 吃 但 吃 到 的 都 是 味 精,那 来 的 营 养? 吃 多 可 是 会 死 人 的 啊!
我 虽 外 在 好 玩,颠 风 但 内 心 非 常 的 宁 静 而 什 么 都 不 求,当 心 无 所 求 时,一 切 都 变 得 真 实,看 的 东 西 也 很 清 楚,了 了 分 明!当 动 时 也 就 是 多 做 善 事,当 静 时 也 就 是 回 光 反 照。动 与 静,清 楚 的 很。
如 要 找 出 我 的 话,我 便 会 这 样 形 容“真 真 假 假,假 假 真 真,一 假 一 真,一 真 一 假,看 真 不 真,看 假 不 假,是 真 是 假,是 假 是 真”要 如 何 定 下 决 论,有 你 而 定 吧。。。。
Tips for the day= 人 可 多 面,心 不 可 多 面,心 若 多 面 便 失 根 本。心 要 自 在,而 真 理 要 稳 如 泰 山。
Saturday, September 22, 2007
maybe ; 2:51 PM
大 概 就 是 这 种 感 觉。。。。。。。
我 不 知 道 是 好 还 是 不 好
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I'm sorry ; 2:12 PM

I'm sorry
I never like exam but still it everyone in the whole world are going to face it, not just me.
Yes, all my classmate knew i'm the king of king who sleep in class like no body else.
Actually, i have already plan out my time table to study..what they see is just the slacking side of me.
I'm move, I'm touched, I appreaciate for those who scold me, commented me...I feel the care from those friends..I love them, espcially one person...hope you won't give up on me or else i will really cry out de..
I really and I'm studying la...really..those prelim result, i know i fail like siao..but this won't happen on my O..
Thank you! to that special person..this post is for you and the rest of friends who care for me..
I love you alll...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
facing death ; 8:58 PM

死 亡
在 两 天 前,刚 接 到 通 知 说 有 一 位 朋 友 的 老 爸 过 世 了,享 年 51 岁。当 我 接 到 通 知 时 我 真 为 那 朋 友 感 到 难 过,数 分 钟 后 我 一 点 感 觉 也 没 有 了。我 又 是 如 何 看 待 死 亡 的 呢?
以 世 界 人 民 整 体 来 说,由 其 是 青 少 年 和 工 做 人 士,他 们 都 是 过 着 “无 死”的 生 活 而 完 全 忘 了 死 亡 的 存 在。现 代 人 的 生 活 的 定 义 也 远 远 地 超 出 生 活 源 本 的 基 本 需 求,开 始 为 了 名 义,物 质 享 受 而 忙 碌 蹦 跛。把 一 生 的 命 花 在 工 做 上,名 义 和 物 质 都 有 了 但 也 快 死 了,享 受 到 的 时 间 还 比 不 上 工 做 的 时 间,却 忙 了 大 半 生,那 又 何 必 呢?
这 几 天 惠 珊 因 朋 友 父 亲 的 过 世 而 开 始 感 叹 生 命 的 脆 弱,我 还 真 为 她 的 感 叹 感 到 开 心,因 为 至 少 她 会 对 家 人 有 更 多 的 爱 护!回 到 我 这 来 说,我 父 亲 在 很 多 年 以 前 就 因 睡 觉 而 喘 不 过 气 差 点 死 掉 或 做 梦 有 人 要 “带 他 走”。我 都 因 为 他 这 样 而 感 到 害 怕,但 就 在 昨 天 父 亲 因 工 做 时 而 感 到 不 舒 服 便 拨 电 给 母 亲,母 亲 还 以 为 父 亲 出 事 便 大 喊 起 来。正 在 睡 觉 的 我 听 到 了,也 感 到 害 怕 但 还 继 续 的 躺 在 床 上 不 起,其 实 我 是 在 做 心 理 准 备。也 不 知 为 什 么 我 从 小 便 不 因 为 听 到 别 人 的 死 忘 而 感 到 惊 讶 和 伤 心,记 得 外 公 死 时,全 家 人 都 哭 到 “不 清 不 楚”但 我 一 个 人 从 外 公 死 的 那 一 天 直 到 火 化 那 一 天 只 流 过 一 滴 泪,而 这 一 滴 泪 还 是 逼 自 己 流 的 因 为 看 到 表 哥 表 弟 都 哭 了,我 不 哭 的 话 看 起 来 我 很 不 孝。在 说 明 白 一 些,我 对 死 亡 的 感 觉 就 只 有 麻 木。。。。
人 死 后 根 本 不 是 一 个 终 点 而 是 一 个 开 始,真 正 的 人 生 是 学 习 如 何 “做 人”,酸,甜,苦,辣,道 德,真 理 和 善 恶 之 分。人 来 到 这 世 界 就 被 它 的 色 彩 迷 住 而 忘 了 做 人 的 根 本,正 所 为 人 之 初,性 本 善 啊。。
我 见 人 死 为 何 不 流 泪,为 何 不 害 怕 呢?人 因 世 界 的 色 彩 而 被 迷 惑,忘 了 根 本, 忘 了 本 来,更 忘 了 善 行。心 无 善 念,体 无 善 行,而 只 追 求 立 己 的 享 受。那 这 样 的 人 死 了 又 何 必 为 他 掉 泪 呢?但 人 因 见 世 间 冲 满 痛 苦,而 发 觉 生 命 的 意 义,便 寻 找 生 命 之 本。那 也 就 说 这 人 在 学 习 如 何 回 归 婴 儿 的 良 心 “人 之 初,性 本 善”,婴 儿 天 生 就 是 善 良,无 邪 念 的 啊。这 善 心 人 行 善 无 穷,不 求 回 报,那 这 人 死 了 又 有 何 遗 憾?若 无 遗 憾,那 又 何 必 掉 泪 呢?
生 存 和 死 亡 之 间 只 是 一 线 之 差,即 然 只 是 一 线 之 差 那 又 何 必 执 著 呢?生 存 时 要 好 好 的 学 习,那 死 后 的 生 命 才 可 享 受 啊。。。
Tips for the day
= 我 未 生 前,谁 生 我?我 生 之 时 我 是 谁?
= who born me before I was born? who am i after i was born ?
尽 请 深 思!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
小 丑 的 心 声 ; 9:09 PM

小 丑 的 心 声
我 很 少 有 机 会 看 见 小 丑,可 在 电 视 节 目 就 多 了。眼 看 围 绕 在 小 丑 身 边 的 小 孩 脸 上 一 个 个 都 带 这 连 嘴 都 关 不 起 来 的 欢 笑。如 果 我 能 打 扮 成 小 丑 的 话,我 也 希 望 围 绕 在 我 身 边 的 小 孩 都 能 很 开 心 的 一 起 玩 耍。
大 多 的 人 心 中 有 做 小 丑 的 一 个 心 德 吧,都 很 希 望 他 们 身 边 的 人 都 开 开 心 心 的 度 过 每 一 天。小 丑 的 快 乐 来 自 他 人 的 快 乐,就 算 身 边 的 人 伤 心 了,小 丑 还 是 不 断 的 努 力 的 逗 他 们 开 心。小 丑 从 不 害 怕 自 己 丑,就 为 他 人 的 欢 笑,如 果 有 伤 心 的 人 说“如 果 你 比 现 在 更 丑,我 才 会 开 心”那 小 丑 一 定 愿 意 把 自 己 打 扮 的 更 丑 的。
小 丑 是 否 有 伤 心 的 时 侯 呢?我 想 会 有 的 吧?哪 又 有 谁 会 逗 小 丑 开 心 呢?我 想 小 丑 也 最 想 要 有 另 一 位 小 丑 逗 他 开 心 的 吧。快 乐 不 需 要 代 价,更 不 需 要 金 钱 的 满 足,而 需 要 一 分 能 消 灭 烦 脑 的 笑 点。这 也 就 是 小 丑 的 其 中 原 则,但 很 多 人 都 认 为 快 乐 就 是 要 有 钱,却 不 晓 得 对 着 大 海 呐 喊 也 能 消 除 心 中 的 不 悦,冷 冰 冰 的 雪 糕 冷 缺 心 中 的 偾 怒,几 粒 气 球 能 让 甜 密 回 味 无 比,扮 几 张 鬼 脸 能 换 回 几 声 欢 笑。
要 是 能 让 他 人 开 心 的 话,就 算 我 得 做 小 丑 那 我 也 愿 意。。。小 丑 的 心 声 又 有 谁 明 白?
Tips for the day= 快 乐 不 在 与 金 钱,它 在 与 放 的 开。快 乐 不 在 与 享 受,它在 与 体 会。快 乐 不 在 与 拥 有,它 在 与 付 出。
Friday, September 14, 2007
She's feeeling soo weak ; 1:10 PM
This photo describe the girl I'm talking for this post. She got a strong mind but a weak body.........
好 辛 苦 啊!She's feeling so weak!
Today while I was taking my physic exam in class, there is this girl from Sec4 NA class pass by our class corridor and she keep dragging her feet along the way, because she was dragging her feet so there is this disturbing noise “shhaa shhhaa shhaa”. So most of my classmate turn and look at her, finding it irritating, minutes later she walk pass again with the same noise “shhha shha shhhaa” so Mdm Yee walk out of the class and ask her not to drag because she is disturbing the class from having exam.
Although I was having exam and should concentrate on it yet I couldn’t concentrate but keep looking at her. She was holding on to the corridor hand bar, she was taking her step very slowly with her pale face. Looking weak and helpless, I look at her with great sympathy. Suddenly she had a very slight fall and I thought she’s going to faint, I had a slight jerk within my seat, going to stand out to help her but I was having my exam at that moment. She stands still, balancing herself and started walking again.
She took minutes to walk finish the corridor! Upon finishing, the Science HOD walks pass and ask is she ok? She nods her head together with her weak smile and that HOD carry on walking. I was thinking why both Mdm Yee and that HOD didn’t help her? I was puzzle, she then disappear from my eyes sight. I took back to my exam paper but my mind keep recalling the scene of that weak girl. As I’m sitting by the window side, so after 10min after that girl walked pass the class corridor and I turn my head back, looking out of the window, I saw that girl still walking slowly at that study area. “My goodness! She’s still walking down there” Then follow by Mr Lim, another HOD, walk up from the stair case. He saw her walking weakly, and then he looks back at her thinking if she’s okay. Obviously she’s not okay right??!! But Mr Lim walked away. I was so angry.
Is this how we should react when seeing people like them? What’s more? This is a school and in total there are 3 teachers who saw her like this, so weak, yet none of them help her and there is 2 HOD! What a good example huh! Yes, there is concern for her but just concerning will help her? At least help her to the place she’s going and I don’t what the classmate for, just leave her alone walking pathetically?!
Where has the friendly act gone to? I see it with despair, full of disappointment.
Tips for the day= Building of foundation is the roots to all prosperity for the future enjoyment!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Elderly ; 3:53 PM

The Elderly
Holiday is really a bored one. Nevertheless I still learn some lesson about life even though I’m just staying at home and not taking a step out of house for 4 days! Yesterday (Wednesday) and today I learn a big lesson about giving love to the elderly.
I watched a channel U programmed, showing three little kids together with their mum doing volunteer service at many different old folk homes and even distribute biscuits to elderly under the void deck. They perform, they play, they chat with the elderly at their very young age, and the eldest child is only at his primary school level.
The reporter asks them “are you scare of seeing the elderly with no leg and hand?”
The kids say “no, we are not scare instead we feel very sorry because they can’t do anything without their leg and hand”
The reporter asks their mum “what is the deepest memory you have doing this volunteering services?”
She replied “I remember asking my kids what they want for their birthday presents and they said they wanted biscuits and drinks for their presents. I asked them why and they said that because they want to give all this biscuits and drinks to the elderly, seeing the elderly smile and happy is their presents for in return.”
My tears drop upon hearing what she said, how I wish my future kids grow up like them. Full of love and passion for the elderly, human are born kind in nature but now look at the society, especially the youngster. We should discipline and learn how to love people out there.
I remember when I was young, there was a new neighbor moving in with their old parent in their 70s age. After moving in for 3 days, the old couple came knocking at one of my neighbor door, an uncle, saying that their children lock them outside and don’t want to let them in. Their children even put their clothing outside the door and chase them away. The uncle is so angry and went knocking their door and had a big quarrel. What is this world!??!!
Today afternoon, I had a great chat with my grandma over the phone. I think this is one of the longest times ever I talked over the phone in this years besides chatting with HZ. I realize that chatting with elderly is indeed a fun one, let ago the topic we chat because youngster and elderly chatting topic is different but any way my grandma talk like a kid, cute and happy. I was so worry about her health and illness, my heart had a sudden sour that nearly make me tears again. I love her so much, instead I felt the responsibility upon this world that I really need to do something.
Tips for the day: Taking care of elderly is not a burden, it is a gift. Without them, there will be no us, please don’t take them as a trouble but a love instead.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
My one and only HIM ; 5:26 PM
The ultimate photo. cute!!! my bro in girl dress. really like girl la.
My bro smile nicer then i do. Am i smiling or going to cry soon?
A photo taken in prayer hall ! for 17 years..
ME, my pretty mum and Bro, walao..he got innocent pair of eyes
My bro and me. Among so many photo, my bro still look the best
Me and my bro, we grow up le!!!
My cute bro, grow up not cute le but handsome huh!
My one and only HIM
OK! My darling bro have been complaining that I didn’t post about him for days. So I’m going to spend some time talking about him then and here I go…
My brother had been rather discipline on his own every since young, but when he got into secondary school he change. I think it due to the kind of friends he makes in school but still he is friendly in his natural character.
In the past his is…….
= Lovely
= Caring
= Generous
= Good temper
= Smart
= Golden heart
= Good patient
= Very good hand skill (in art)
For the present he is….
= Generous
= Smart
= Very good hand skill (in art)
= Hilarious
= Low self esteem
= Not as patient,
= Not as caring and lovely
= Where have the golden heart gone to?
Hey people, see how great he is in the past? But he change so much, after all he is not that bad la. It like every teenager will go through a stage of stubbornness right? What they need is someone to bring them back to the right track and everything will go smooth again. I know it not easy because I have been trying; still I’m not able to do it. The one I’m most worry about him is his low self esteem, he have been like this ever since secondary 2 or 3 onwards. He lost confident in himself whether in his studies, appearance, his own character, I think that all. He is a person who didn’t like to voice out his own problems but keep it to himself and the problems keep stirring wild in his brain and soul that make him like this. Come on bro, can’t you tell me your problem? I seriously can help you out of it. I have been solving some of your problems right? Voice out!
My brother has a unique character. He care a lot for other people, he is very loyalty to his friends, he is straight minded (not a very good thing) because when he start quarreling with someone he will really burst into fire and don’t care what the outcome is. In his heart he is really still as caring, loving and with concern for the family member. I will never judge wrongly about him.
My main motive for posting this is to give advise, concern, care and straight forward shooting about him because I feel that this cannot be carry on any further other wise it may affect his life and future severely.
The very first thing that concerns him most now is his low self esteem (自悲), if he really take a good notice carefully actually there is a lot of people giving him concern and help in his character and studies. People like Rong Sheng, Zheng Nong, Andy, Mummy and me. Yes! I agree that maybe some of our concerning and help may not be acceptable by yeeting but as a Xiu Dao Ren whom listening to lesson (道义)for so long, we know that for when we fall, we have to stand up on our own, some more people around you have already stretch out their hand to pull you up, but are you willing to stand up? ARE YOU TAKING THEIR ADVICE? This is important. If you yourself say no in the first place, even God send you their power there is no use at all. Hey darling, the only way to build up your self confident is to say yes to yourself first. I will be there for you.
Your self discipline, golden heart, caring, patient, moral value can be found through putting in one action. Come to youth group (青少年班). I have been repeating myself for so many times that youth group is not just about study and tuition; there is a lot more then that. Yes, I can describe everything like heavenly place but still you have to feel it yourself, only when the truth touches your heart then you will realize how true it is. My darling, if I ever teach you the wrong thing, you can choose not to call me brother. I’m serious, in nature, you are good and even better then me. For all I am now is all effort putting in, you too also know that I always have to work doubly hard to gain something but you are different, you know that too.
You keep saying that you got an ITE face, thinking back how much effort you have put into your study? You are naturally smart, even smarter then me, if you were to go ITE; I am the first to go instead. There is no dead end to study, so what even you go into ITE? I will still praise you that you can carry on studying because the main point is you didn’t stop learning!
There is a local Real Estate agent, she only has an O level certificate but yet she earns 1200 billion a year!
Local celebrity hair stylist, David Gan, is famous throughout celebrity world. He doesn’t only work in S’pore it self but to different country to style celebrity hair, not just this. He is even specially appointed by famous actor and actress to cut and style their hair, actress like Zhang Zhi Yi. What’s cool? David Gan graduate in local ITE!
My darling, like what I said before, you are born with some natural hand skill talent. I always say this, you will success one day but you choose not to believe me. Different people are born with different natural ability and different schools in Singapore are open to suit different people with different skills. As long as you are learning, you are not in dead end! When the day you succeed, never forget LaoMu that gift you such special talent, even now! Start to Liaoyuan and learn the meaning of life. Stand up my loving bro and don’t forget why we come to the earth for, it for the “Dao” and jiu du zhong shen. Remember this clearly!
Tips for the day= You live to learn, you learn to live. As long as you didn’t stop learning, you are not facing a dead end. You face it when you choose to stop learning. You only stop learning when dead and you start living comfortably in other dimension of the world call Heaven.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
It doesn’t seem that beautiful after all ; 8:42 PM
It doesn’t seem that beautiful after all
People say love is like a bed of roses, but they kill themselves when out of love.
People say love is about sacrifices, but they make use of their lover.
People say love is joy, but they cried till blind.
People say love is everything, but they got nothing.
People say love is eternity, but they gone suicide and really got eternity in another dimension.
People say love is sweet, but does quarrel seem to be sweet or more on bitter?
People say love won’t change for one, but they seem to change faster then changing clothing.
People say love is about accepting one another, but when they quarrel all nonsense about past came out.
People say love is crazy and wild in the start, indeed they went crazy and wild when breaking up.
People say love is strongest when there is chemistry feeling, after all it doesn’t seem to have any reaction.
So does love seem to be great, beautiful and wonderful after all? Does love still have a positive stand in other people “definition”? It really worth thinking about, why does it have so many negative phrases about it but everyone is willing to die for it when they know this is the ending?
So does me, going for it but not so daring after all. I am reserving myself, worry if I will be hurt once again, I seriously have some sort of phobia. Can anyone please help me out of it? I promise to try my very best to be free from this stupid phobia and open my hand to accept ……..happily and seriously.
My thought are running on and on and on……….