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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The last post by The Banker ; 2:14 AM

The last post by The Banker

This will probably be the last blog post in this blog link, I’m not sure if I will start a new blog anytime soon but if I do, I’m sure by that time it will be a new me after a small transformation.

In another 6 months time, I will be graduating from poly and proceed on to National service. If I will to conclude my poly life in just one word to describe I will say “Banker”

Whenever the banker bet, it either he win a lot more or lose a lot more as compare to those players. I have gain a lot and I lost a lot as well, I used to thought of myself as person with great power of control in life, as a leader that no others can compare that filled me up with unbeatable confident. Wow! And I’m so glad to realize all this self acknowledge confidents have been totally destroy and re-mould again with something extra!

And when the banker lost, he lost to his own image, relationship, being flirtatious and leading no integrity of life. Whenever there’s someone better, instantly I thought I could get someone better, thinking how good it would be if my girlfriend can be like this girl, that girl and this girl. How good it would be if she’s like this, like that and like this. And instantly, I will want this girl, that girl and many more. Simply, I want to flirt with lots of girlfriend.

Just then when I lost everything, then I remember to ask myself “What good do I expect for myself? And what does she expect from me?” I’m simply destroying my own life, flooding myself with endless sin and joy from the devils, giving in to temptations which just happen in spilt second! My entire dream could just be blown away by giving in to devils!

After all the downward of life for a good few months, my mentors give their hands to me that pull me up and train me in every area and challenge me. Finally I’m awake! Area of life did improve and one left untouched.

I still prefer to play around, flirt around and I told her I’m sorry that I couldn’t change. I have read books on practicing right values on relationship, watch lots of enrichment video, everyday I’m washing my brain off! And I come to sense realizing something. The real struggle comes when right value and skills are being put to practice. Yes! I’m practicing! And it also a torture when emotions and thoughts clashes, being indecisive of what decision to make.

I’m just so close to made it! Though I’m still struggling, but I know I can become pure again because my dream is just so worthwhile and big to lose to the devil and giving in to temptation, which I can’t afford to. Just a little more time and I will be able to cross the winning line. Wait for me.

If I’m ever going to open a new blog again, that would be the time when I’m at a new stage of life that has already brought me to a higher height. Thank you for all this ups and downs, all this lesson learnt would be much better than hunting for treasure.

Sign off.
Yee Cheng

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Knowing the reverse ; 6:30 PM

Knowing the reverse

Done before any survey?

How true you think you have answered those questions in the survey? Even though some surveys don’t even require you to write down your name or any other particular, for example, do you have sex even before you are age 18? HAHAHAA! I believe not all will answer this question properly.

My question is this, how do you get the most truthful and accurate answers from others in order to complete your own make up “survey”?

The answer is, “caught” them unaware.

As usual, I always pop up with some questions regarding human behavior and views towards human’s relationship and stuffs and so to know the most truthful and accurate answer, I have to first “not knowing” anything then they are willing to tell you or even the way you direct the conversation with them.

The purpose of doing all this allows me to know and understand how people actually think and the transparency of each individual, it allow you to access into their thinking and mind set and most importantly, the answer you get from them come out IN NO TIME!

Paper work or online survey actually allow people to think, thus the answer given are usually logically right or morally right, in other words, the accuracy of the answer is only 10%. Answer that comes with no thinking time, accuracy of the answer can easily hit up to 85%.

Here comes the bottom line, how truthful I am or you while you went to understand others?

Monday, December 28, 2009
Sex and money, A nation search for human worth ; 3:37 PM

Sex and money : A nation search for human worth.

Business or pleasure? or simply slave.

Monday, December 14, 2009
戴老师的讲座 ; 10:22 PM


又是有很长的一段时间没上博客了,也在这一段时间里发生了很多事。但最开心的是,我终于有机会上戴晨志博士(戴老师)的讲座!!也读了戴老师的书作几年了,一直都在默默的希望戴老师能来到新加坡,昨天我终于盼到了!也真让我听出耳油 !戴老师以很幽默的方式术说如何以爱让孩子更优秀,以下是我昨天记下的一点小笔记

· 好习惯就从不习惯做起

· 专注

· 成败靠用心,输赢靠细心

· 用眼看见特殊,用笔记录情怀

· 让孩子有法现力的眼睛很重要

· 时间花在哪里,成就就在那里

· 鼓励孩子勇敢参加各项比赛

· 完成比赛,就是战胜自己

· 别对孩子说“你不可能做到!”

· 别对孩子说“你太天真了”

· 如果默生人都会为你的孩子打气和鼓励,那身为父母的你为何不能呢?

· 打和骂,真的有比要吗?

· 若是用真心做出的事,“精神”将会永在!!

· 孩子的每一早晨都一定要起得很开心,并起期待每一天

· 孩子的每一晚都一定要睡得很香!

· 多接纳孩子的《不圆满》

· 父母一定不能吹毁孩子的梦想!!

· 只有父母能把孩子捧在手心上,放上天空看看世界!

· 学习可以很有趣!

· 别对自己的母指头吝啬了!

· 就连铁人也会掉眼泪

L: Listen

O: overlook

V: voice

E: Effort



Thursday, October 8, 2009
Dreams ; 11:47 PM


Happen to have a chance to share with my friend what kind of life I want to have, in fact, I have share with a lot others as well but it alot more detail this time.

Today, just right before I went out with Donald, I had a small argument with my mum telling her that I didn’t have interest in my religion anymore or it just that I didn’t have the heart to commit myself. I found myself to be very self centre, caring what I want to be and to have. I deny myself to be wrong.

My mum said that my dad career may be on edge of danger and I’m not concern about it at all, he have been working in this line for nearly 20 years and now the boss are like pressing a lot on him, as if it a sign of chasing him away by putting pressure on him. What is giving concern?

Doing the best out of it, strive for my future, giving no worry to my parent. That the kind of concern I’m giving. My family style of communicating is very much of the old tradition type; we care in heart but not on mouth. Seeing him so wear out at the end of the day as well as my mum, growing white hair, I know in my heart that only I can bring them out for a good life, together with my brother. Maybe I’m putting too much focus on this, eventually, I care and commit lesser to my religion and now it ain’t my priority anymore.

I told this friend of mine that a complete life to me is when I can enjoy financial freedom, a house of my own desire design, a lovely wife and with lovely children. Going holiday 3 times a year, driving my favorite car, enjoying foods all around, weekday are happy hour with colleague, Friday are husband and wife dating, Saturday are play with children day and Sunday will be family day.

Most of my friends said to me this “dream on dude!”

So I was asking them that didn’t they hope their life to be like this? and their replied is that they don’t dare and willing to have their future dream to be that beautiful because it not being practical at all. OH! So the fact that they don’t dare to dream and not because it can’t be realize.

Why scare to dream big and beautiful when you feel like it? Why should your dream be tie down by life reality? Why don’t you try to picture your dream life and put it to work?

I dream beautifully and I won’t shut my dream off because of how bad my friends told me off, because by that time, even if your real life ain’t totally what i dream of, at least, I’m near to it. At least I live the way I feel about it. SO! If you don’t dream, then you WON’T even be near of it and you live just like anybody else out there.

I’m a guy that live without worry, I don’t worry that I won’t be happy because I live the best out of it, if one day I’m going to stop living like this, that the day I die. And most probably the last sentence I’m going to say is I have never regret living like this.

A dream is the start of the platform to life reality. A man with no dream is very much like a dead man.

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Passive learning ; 1:29 AM

Adult fall down

Kid fall down

Passive Learning

What can we tell by comparing this two photo?

Both photo show that they fall, but what's the difference and how can we link them to learning?

and the difference is..

When a kid fall, they will stand up again and continue running.

But when an adult fall, they will look around and pretend nothing happen, making sure that nobody realize them and say "I aint do that shit again."

Quoted from - Anthony Robbins (life coach)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
遗失的快乐 ; 2:07 AM





“自我”的感觉真的好累喔,有 “道”多好。。。



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